Monday 3 May 2021

What Causes Sinusitis and How To Treat Sinus Pain?

Sinuses refer to pockets of air behind the nose, cheekbones, eyes and forehead. Often these pockets are lined with cells that produce mucus due to trapped substances such as irritants, viruses, bacteria or infections. These invaders are usually carried out of the body through sneezing or are swallowed into the stomach. 

However, many a times, these viruses bypass our body’s protective layer and cause inflammation or infection in the sinus lining. This inflammation or infection results in swelling blocking the mucus from draining and causes sinus pain and pressure. This is also a reason behind the sinus headache.

Treating Sinus 

Just as we look for bad breath remedy, there are a number of remedies online for treating sinus. However, nasal sinusitis spray can work wonders for patients with recurring cold or sinusitis headaches. 

The usual treatments that the doctors suggest are nasal rinses, warm compresses, steam inhalation etc. However, if the problem becomes serious, one might be suggested antibiotics, allergy medications or sinus surgeries. 

Sinus pain is a sign of infection which is mostly due to a virus. These will eventually resolve over the time. However, if the following signs are experienced, you should visit a doctor:

Sinus symptoms for more than 7 days; worsening pain.

Severe sinus pain

Nasal discharge turning thick, foul-smelling or colored.


Loss of smell

Home Remedies

Steam inhalation, or use of humidifiers can loosen secretion and help the mucus to drain.

Use Saline nasal drops to clear nasal passages.

Keep a warm, moist towel or heating pad on the painful area.

Reduce congestion during sleep by elevating head

Use over the counter nasal sinusitis sprays or pills to reduce congestion and allow the mucus to drain.